Rose Garden Live Your Values

We all have the same 24 hours in each day to live our lives. We are the ones who determine how we spend those 24 hours. Let’s use our time in ways that reflect our values. Let’s walk our talk. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Plant trees, clean up rivers, and take other steps to help Nature thrive. Do a simple Ecosia search using relevant terms (for example, “volunteer to plant trees in Minnetonka, Michigan”) to find nonprofit organizations seeking volunteers for days they have already planned and organized to take precisely the actions you wish to take. You don’t need to do anything other than let them know you’re coming and then show up. In Oakland, California, two of the nonprofit groups with whom we enjoy volunteering from time to time are Friends of Sausal Creek and various East Bay Regional Park District programs.

  • You make conscious choices to be kind in the way you live your life, but what if the production processes of some of the products you purchase involve cruelty and torture? One way to make sure you are not purchasing products tested on animals (or using ingredients tested on animals), is to check for brands on PETA’s frequently-updated Beauty without Bunnies database. If you don’t think you have time to check this database before shopping, consider moving two of the minutes you might otherwise spend on social media to this quick, easy, simple, and ultra-worthy practice.

  • Pick an environmental rights or animal rights nonprofit you like and seek out their “Actions” page. More than likely, the nonprofit you select will have already done a lot of the heavy lifting where research is concerned and will be able to tell you where action is needed. In most cases, the quick and easy path to taking the action is also spelled out for you, and you can sign up for alerts, too. Here are a few of our favorites:

  • Donate to and / or volunteer with any of the aforementioned — and / or a multitude of other wonderful nonprofit organizations — working each and every day to protect the environment, preserve the natural habitats of all species, and uplift the rights to life and freedom for all species.

Have you got a suggestion you’d like us to add to this Live Your Values page to share with others? Please contact us using the form below to share your suggestion. Thank you!